In schools, the zero-tolerance policy is a strict application of bans and regulations against the possession of items and behaviors. The public also criticized these policies when sometimes arisen of negative consequences of these policies' enforcement. And these happen when intolerable is done by accident, ignorance, or under some extenuating circumstances. Additionally, it also happens because, in the United States, it has a connection to inequality of education. In school, this zero-tolerance policy commonly concerns to use of weapons or drugs and possession. The staff of schools, students, and their parents are to be punished if they possess or used the banned items always for any reason.
In the United States, Zero Tolerance Policies in the Schools
In the United States, different schools have been adopted zero-tolerance policies and in another education place. In 1994, the United States became a widespread zero-tolerance policy. These policies are especially promoted in schools to prevent violence and drug abuse. The critics of zero-tolerance policies showed that the results of these policies in schools are punishments. And this criticism is shocking and considered unfair against teachers and students. According to these critics, these policies consider to be zero logic policies, and it is because these are treated the same of all ages of students.
Review about zero-tolerance policies in schools
There is no dispute that it is compulsory in all schools to do all that can ensure the safety of the environment of learning. But controversy about zero tolerance procedures and policies has arisen to achieve these goals and aims. In this controversial response and to know about the current benefits practices for schools and students, a task force is formed by American Psychological Association to estimate the evidence and to make better recommendations that regarding zero-tolerance practices and policies.
An extensive review has found literature that shows the implementation of zero-tolerance policies in schools about 20-years ago. But there is only very little data that directly could test the assumptions of these zero-tolerance approaches to school discipline; however, the relationship between juvenile justice and education is affected by these zero-tolerance policies. And let's talk about the needs of these policies in schools, then for school discipline. These are important to maintaining the safety of the school and also maximizing the opportunities of students to learn. This report also offers that recommendations where the implementation of zero-tolerance policies is necessary.
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Why schools adopted the Zero Tolerance Policy
Federal legislation in 1994 required states to expel those students who are for one year brought a firearm with to their schools. And the schools that do not follow this rule will lose all federal funding.
So to this law, most schools have adopted a zero-tolerance policy against all those students who brought any weapon with them in schools. And most schools developed for possession of the zero-tolerance policies of alcohol and drugs and bullying.
Pros and cons of the zero-tolerance policy
Schools adopted these policies to keep students safe and favored by online assignments help the UK and other educational institutions. And many educators are those that question these policies' effectiveness. And after a few years, the policy of zero tolerance becomes controversial quite by people.
Pros of this policy
- This policy adopted by law
- Aim of this policy to keep students safe
- This policy reduced favoritism appropriately.
- This policy prepares the students for the real world.
Cons of this policy
- This policy lacks common sense or may apply it for harmless items
- It is not good to improve the safety of the school.
- Due to minor reasons, students were exposed to legal charges.
- The students that are banned may face risks at home.
Support for the policy of zero tolerance
All supporters of these policies of zero tolerance believe that strict policies are important to keep the environment of learning safe for all students. And the report showed that every student who will break a rule under any situation would receive severe consequences of these policies.
The supports also said that, after all, these policies are suitable for students because they prepare them for the real world. So they have supported these policies by mentioning the different pros. They said when we late from our office then our boss not paid for us because work late. So similarly, if students broke any rule, then there is no relaxation for them.
Criticisms of Zero Tolerance Policy
Although there are many criticisms about the zero-tolerance policy, this policy has no common sense, and the meaning of this sentence is that a nail clipper or a rubber band is enough to suspend a student. If a student has a pain killer like ibuprofen because of illness, he may be expelled from school for drug possession.
The most common critics that happened about this policy is that it does not work in real. Because according to a report published in 2008 by American Psychological Association, a zero-tolerance policy has not shown correctly the school safety and school climate. The task force also included criticism that these policies prevent students unnecessarily from getting an average or public education. And due to minor reasons, the student paid legal charges that not a good thing.
An American Academy in 2013 released a report in detail about a policy of zero tolerance. According to this report, students who are suspended much time are not allowed to get a high school education. And this is very harmful to the student's future.
If they are not got the best supervision from their homes, the students who are expelled also engage in other illegal activities.
Alternatives of Zero Tolerance Policy
Many alternatives present these policies that help keep students in schools and valuable and best lessons teaching them. And the best way is violence prevention that helps keep in school all students and the environment also remain safe. And must stop the expulsion and suspension of students in schools that affect students' life badly.
Dealing with a policy of zero tolerance
If our children are studying in schools with no zero-tolerance policies, we should educate them about rules ourselves. And what a policy can do we should teach them about all these facts to them.
And we should prevent our children and guide them not to keep their bags any pain killer or any weapon. Because if we want to keep our children safe, there is a need to teach them properly about these policies. These are very important for their lives and future.